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13th August

Last week Rab got some more seeds sown with our blocking machine, the seeds done were five thousand Kohl Rabi, three thousand Lettuce and a new trial this year five thousand giant red Celery, this celery is supposed to grow though the summer and be ready to harvest in the winter, we will wait and see if that includes Scotland.
In the tunnels I rotovated two beds in two different tunnels and direct sowed some more salad seeds and another wee trail I mixed Rubi chard and Swiss chard seeds and direct sowed these, so we will see how they come on.
With the field weeding finished we are now spending our time weeding and tidying up around the tunnels with much needed strimming, in the tunnels we had the stearage hoe on the tractor and went through all the seeds that have been sown and planted, and they are looking weed free for now, but it doesn't stay that way for to long with the watering and the heat of the tunnels.
We had to make wee change to the netts last week, we had said there was supposed to be lettuce going in, but by Monday morning they hadn't grown as we had anticipated, so we had to put Crown price squash instead. This can happen from time to time, sometimes a crop can also come on far quicker over a weekend so we need to harvest it when we hadn't thought it would be ready.
In this weeks netts we are putting in Spaghetti Squash this is a amazing squash and there are loads of recipes for this Squash, one of our favourites is in this weeks recipe

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