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26th November

Finally we have all the tunnels re planted with the over winter crops, that will hopefully give us a nice fresh harvest early next year.
We started rotovating the first tunnel on the 15th of October and got ready for planting, We have had a fair few hiccups on the way to getting everything in and planted. First thing was the rotovator broke just as I was rotovating the first tunnel what a perfect start, so it was straight back to the shed, tools out side casing of and a strip down repair and rebuild, and luckily its been perfect up to now. That held us back a day and a half at the very start. Then I had a few days with Erin and Calum of school with the usual seasonal bugs, and lastly it took us a couple of days to empty the Cucumber tunnel, there were all the ropes and crop bars to come down and get stored away for next year, these are used to tie up the cucumbers as they grow, and the matting had to be lifted rolled up and stored away for next year. This is what we plant the cucumbers through to help prevent the weeds coming through.
So what we have we eventually planted inside the four tunnels were Two thousand five hundred Spring Cabbage, Three thousand five hundred Pak Choy, Eight thousand Spring Onions, Four thousand parsley, Four thousand Coriander, Three thousand five hundred Chicory, And Three thousand five hundred Tatsoi which is getting nibbled at by some wee pesky beasties.
We haven't got a clue what is nibbling away at the Tatsoi, there isn't anything visible and we don't know if it's tasty because we haven't grown it before, but there is something that likes it and also likes the cold weather.
As I have been busy getting the last of the plants planted last week, Rab had to make a start on the weeding the first two tunnels that we had planted, the weeds keep growing in the tunnels when they are supposed to be dying away for the winter, so Rab has been hoeing away, it's a wee bit trickier to hoe at this time of the year as the soil never really dries out.
To help the plants on their way to growing and getting their roots established, I have been giving them a wee seaweed feed after they have been planted then every fortnight. And we will be getting fleece on stand by inside all the tunnel so we can pull it across the plants if the temperatures really do plummet.

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