23rd August
Last week we had to make a quick change to what was going in the nets for delivering.
We have been harvesting courgettes weekly for a while now, and they have been fantastic.
But last week the temperatures dropped not to cold, but night temperatures were below double figures, we had noticed as we were harvesting with jumpers on till around 9 am, and the courgettes don’t like that, not the jumpers but the cooler temperatures.
So we knew that there wouldn’t be enough to give every customer courgettes, and the Bon Bon squash were ready, and that would make a nice difference in the nets, they are pretty tasty.
This year all our squash seeds came from a different company, so I was a wee bit worried that they might not be as good as the varieties we have used in the past, sometimes it is a wee bit of a gamble.
The reason for the change was the usual Covid and Brexit reasons.
Kings’ seeds which we have always used for the unusual seeds, seemed to be having problems.
So I contacted Tamar organic seeds, and their seeds have been very good, all your salad bags (which are made up of five different types of seeds) kohl Rabi, Rhubi chard, and Squash seeds there are eight different varieties of those have come from them.
Kings’ seeds were very good to but I did have to phone them, and they closed from 1 -2 and shut at 4.
Tamar seeds I go through their seeds catalogue on my phone fill my basket, click order, and within two days I have my seeds.
And usually I do this the very minute I run out of seeds, which can be late evening or the weekend.
Funnily enough soil association had mentioned them to me on various occasions, but I didn’t listen. Lesson learned there, although I won’t be admitting that to them , when they comment on my seeds ordered with Tamar seeds against the order.