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24th June

This week’s newsletter might not be the best one I have ever done.

Its Sunday night 7.30pm and the Scotland game is not far away from starting.

Last week’s work did not go quite as I had planned.

The main job was weeding, the weeds are getting big in the field.

The problem has been every week, we are getting one huge downpour of rain.

It is usually just one day, but in that day, we are getting a full week’s rain.

This leaves the field soaking wet, and it has been taking 3 days to dry out, before we can get in with the bed weeder and 4 days to dry out before I can get in with the tractor and weeding machine.

Last week on Tuesday we got the downpour, this put us of the bed weeding for another week.

Luckily the weather is reported to be nice and warm this week, so hopefully we can get a full week weeding, and try and catch up.

The weather has not been that warm for all of June, so the crops are a wee bit slow.

But the end of last week and over this weekend it has heated up just nicely.

Luckily, I had planted two hundred and fifty Courgettes in the tunnel, the one and a half thousand ones we planted in the field are growing slowly.

But the tunnel Courgettes are looking great, I started harvesting them last week, and there looks to be loads for harvesting for this week’s deliveries.

Also, the Cucumbers, we started harvesting them last week, and again there looks to be a load in there for this week’s deliveries.

I took a gamble this year and started them of earlier than usual, and luckily, we did not get a late frost.

I am going to finish of here.

Its now 5 minutes away from the Scotland game starting.

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