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26th August

Harvesting in the field is in full swing at long last.

Everything is around three weeks later than usual but now looking great.

Unfortunately, the beetroot that everyone has been asking for is not quite ready yet, but on last inspection, not that far away.

I think it is holding back, because it knows everyone has been asking for it.

The cucumbers have been good.

They started producing around the same time as they would usually.

But they are starting to die of, this is quicker than they would normally start to die back.

We are still harvesting cucumbers every day, but we would not usually see the leaves starting to die of until mid-September.

But they have had a lot of colder than normal temperatures this year.

One main job we really had to tackle this week was rabbit control.

This year we have had serious problems with rabbits getting into our tunnels.

The garden centre that is on the farm has had the same problem.

We can only put it down to Scottish power have increased the substation by double this year.

This is situated close to the farm.

And with the months of groundworks, we think the rabbits have moved location.

And they are very very hungry rabbits.

We have tunnel doors on all the tunnels, these have thick net covers, so this lets in ventilation.

Well Peter rabbit, Benjamin, Flopsy, Mopsy and Cottontail plus all their other friends that I cannot remember. It was so many years ago that Erin and Calum watched them in the films they made.

Peter and his marry gang started eating through the netting and digging and eating in the tunnels.

They got so comfortable in the cucumber tunnel they set up home and started making babies.

This tunnel must have been ideal as it is left for the season, were every other tunnel gets re worked every six weeks or so.

Luckily, they do not eat the cucumbers, so it is ok in here.

So, I got rabbit netting, and netted every door.

Fifteen doors and 50 meters of netting later I think they are now safe.

I did leave a note for Peter to say there is four hundred acres of sweet grass all around our tunnels, please leave my veg.

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