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2nd July

In last weeks news letter I had talked about how the Cucumbers and Chillies are growing super fast and we should be harvesting them pretty soon.
Well it's stayed hot really hot and we will be starting to harvest the Cucumbers this week, and we have Chillies starting the Hungarian hot wax Chillies are large ones and Yellow they aren't as hot as the Jalapeño ones but have a wee kick to them.
Not every one will get Cucumbers for the first week's harvest but they come on really fast after the first cutting and they will be in all the netts pretty soon.
The weather last week was in the high 20s every day outside and over 50 inside the tunnels, and the tunnels never even cooled down at nights very much, so with the Cucumbers growing so fast they needed tying up and side shoots cut of every 4 days, I had done them on Sunday night but they were needing done again by Wednesday and the tunnel temperature was over 50 and that’s with the doors of, which usually cools down a wee bit if there is a breeze but there wasn't.
So on Wednesday and Thursday I was in beside the cucumbers from 10 am till 2 pm and it was hot, but from 2 pm it was unbearably hot, but the Cucumbers like it.
The braw weather has also brought on the courgettes, and we had our first harvest of them last Wednesday so they should be in all the netts from this week on.
In the tunnels last week we do have planting and weeding to get on with but I put that on hold, it was to hot, only the Cucumbers really needed work done on them or they wouldn't produce Cucumbers if they were left they would just keep growing arms and legs everywhere then it would be really hard to get on top of them.
Out in the field this week we continued on with the bed weeding, then last Thursday and Friday we got the brush weeder on and went over all the crops that we have already been over with the bed weeder most of that was the Onions and Leeks.

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