5th September
With all the weeding in the field finished, and the Schools back. The main job for the day is harvesting and there is a lot to harvest for the deliveries at this time of the year. So it is now time to get jobs done, that have been waiting to get finished.
The first job was to re sheet our shed roof, this was destroyed in the strong winds in January, along with the tunnels getting destroyed.
This we repaired and re sheeted last week, we had nailed old polythene on to keep it water tight, until we got the time to sort it properly,
The next job was to get the new tunnel sheeted.
This tunnel is different from all our other tunnels, but they are really old.
This tunnel has side vents that are bolted on around the sides.
Then we pull the polythene over and bolt it onto the wooden rail.
When it is all fixed, we can then wait for a nice calm warm day, and push the wooden rail down, which then will tighten the polythene even more.
On the inside there will be polythene fixed on a roller, so if it is really cold, we can roll the polythene down.
Then it will be making and fixing the doors, all our other doors we need to lift of and put to the side.
This tunnel has fixed doors that are on rollers, so when we need in, we just slide the doors open.
There is a fair bit of work to get done on the tunnel, but we do have plenty time.
It’s the time of the year again for squash plants.
This week we are putting in the Uchiki Kuri, these are everyone’s favourite.
They have a nice sweet flavour, you simple cut them in half scoop out the seeds, then cut them into even sizes like roast potatoes, leave the skin on, then just roast them for 15 to 20 minutes.
Nice and simple.
We are also starting our own carrots and onions this week.
We pick them all by hand, so there is a load of harvesting to be done before I get onto the tunnel.